Join our Dream Team
We are always looking for volunteers. With your help, we can reach even more riders and change even more lives. We can offer you lots of great training and support, the chance to make a positive difference in the lives of people with a disability, and the chance to make great friends and learn new skills.
Whether you're a horsey or non-horsey type of person, there is a perfect role for you at your local RDA Group.
If you choose to give us your time, we can offer you:
The satisfaction of working with our clients
The enjoyment of working with horses
The challenge of learning new skills
The reassurance of training and support
The camaraderie of friendly, like-minded people
In return, we ask that you are:
Willing to learn
Physically fit – we can walk up to 10kms per day!
Committed to the aims and ideals of RDA
Not afraid to ask for help
Level-headed with a sense of fun!
At least 16 years old
Please contact us using this form or send an email to info@northshorerda.org and we’ll get back to you ASAP.
Police Check
We'll need to check you out. Every potential RDA volunteer must undergo a vetting process by the New Zealand Police. This is one of the many ways that we work to ensure the personal safety of all those present at sessions. It is an expectation of caregivers and the general public that processes will be in place in organisations such as ours, where there are vulnerable children and adults. We will help you through this process and submit the paperwork on your behalf.
Volunteer Handbook - Pre start extract
If you want to get a head start, please have a read of the Volunteer Handbook - pre start extract
It outlines the role and responsibilities of being a volunteer.
NZRDA Sidewalking & Leading videos
Attached below are some videos from New Zealand Riding for the Disabled that outline the sidewalking and leading roles that make up a large part of our duties at NSRDA. Check them out for a bit of extra know-how.