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Volunteer Training plans

Our 2022 Volunteer and Rider surveys identified a need to increase our focus on a co-ordinated approach to volunteer and staff training.

NSRDA's committee, through the work of Michael Burke, has begun the work required to map out the structure for this training framework.  Michael is an experienced volunteer at North Shore RDA so idealy qualified to map our training requirements and help our volunteers learn the many skills and disciplines required.  


We look forward to updating you on the outcomes as they are formalised.

To assist with onsite volunteer training we have re-deployed the (old)  office PC, and a TV from the riders’ corner, to provide a computer near the morning tea table for volunteer training.  

The computer can be used to log into the NZ RDA Stable and complete the various training courses found in NZ RDA's Stable.  

We are already making good use, having new volunteers watch the Leading and Sidewalking videos on the training PC as part of our Volunteer induction process. 

Michael with Rider
Training PC
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