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Water tank down

North Shore Riding for the Disabled operates purely with water captured from rainwater runoff from our barn roof and stored in two aging and leaking concrete tanks.


Thanks to a generous donation from Bruce Westbrook - a former Trustee on our Charitable Trust Board - …. we have been able to purchase a new 25,000 litre polyurethane water tank to add to our existing and aging concrete tanks. Its delivery raised some interest when the delivery man asked for a few hands to help him push it off the truck.  He obviously knew what he was doing though and after only about 10 minutes of effort it safely slid off the back of the truck and landed on the ground.


After offloading the tank, a large amount of earthworks was required to cut out a place for the new tank in the embankment next to the old concrete tanks.  With the new tank finally in place, our wonderful gardening and landscaping volunteer, Robyn Woolley set to beautifying the area around the tank.  Now the tank is in position and plumbed in we can drain the old tanks in to the new and then treat the concrete tank interiors to prevent water seepage through the concrete.

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