Raising the roof!
Over the last year, The North Shore RDA Charitable Trust has been working on a major project - raising funds for a roof over the outdoor arena. The roof will be made and installed by Smart Shelters who have already supplied arena covers for three other RDA’s in New Zealand at Dunedin, New Plymouth and Tauranga.
The Arena is the area where riders learn their skills, but in wet or stormy conditions riding has to be cancelled. This results not only in rider disappointment but importantly in loss of momentum in life-changing therapeutic and social improvements in riders. On hot days riders have to contend with heat and UV exposure. A covered arena will allow continuity of our programmes while protecting the health and increasing the level of enjoyment of riders.
The Trust has now raised over 50 per cent of the funds required to construct and install the roof, including drainage and water collection.
Grants from applications made to two Charitable Foundations, plus bequests and donations received and targeted for the arena roof have resulted in a total amount raised to date of $291,000!
Further applications for Grants are in progress and we are hopeful that these will be successful and we will be able to give you a start date for the roof construction. It would be great for our riders if the roof was installed before next winter!
If you can help us raise funds for this huge improvement to our facilities, please visit our donations page to contribute

Our proposed Smart Shelter roof