President's Welcome!
Yes, a big welcome to the Winter edition of our Newsletter - and thank you for being a friend, supporter, sponsor, rider or volunteer.
2022 has continued to deal us some challenges, most notably with our staff. We have recently fortunately been able to recruit Judith Finch as our Coach and Teigan Palmer as our Horse Manager. You’ll find a piece from each of them as you scroll through this edition.
On the upside, I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of our Sponsors and grant bodies. We really appreciate the help you give us! In the last wee while we have been the grateful recipient of funding from the Sport New Zealand Tu Manawa fund, via Harbour Sport, which will help us fund our staff.
Regular readers will have seen an item in the previous edition highlighting the work going on within our Charitable Trust to raise enough funding to enable us to cover our arena and prevent us from having to cancel riding when it rains. We had some great news recently, that Lotto Community Grants have agreed to give us $100,000 towards ‘raising the roof’, which is very exciting!
We also have some other improvements in the pipeline for later this year, so watch this space…
To learn about the programmes we run, our horses, the great work being delivered by our volunteers plus updates on some of the exciting capital projects we have underway please read on.
Tim Lofts